The Challenge

Dan Harris, bestselling author and host of the popular "10% Happier" podcast, was at a pivotal moment in his business. He faced several interconnected challenges:

  1. Business Transition:
  2. Audience Engagement:
  3. Content Creation Efficiency:
  4. Leveraging Multi-Platform Engagement:

The key question became: How could Dan efficiently create high-value, engaging content across multiple platforms from his weekly podcasts to justify the subscription model and increase the likelihood of converting listeners to paid subscribers?

The Solution Search

Dan's team considered two main options:

  1. Use internal resources to draft weekly content
  2. Leverage Astral's AI-powered Content Remix feature

The Astral Solution

We implemented our Content Remix feature, available with any Astral subscription:

  1. Dan's team uploads the weekly podcast audio file

  2. Astral automatically generates a time-coded transcript

  3. Our AI applies a custom template created by Dan's team to transform the transcript into a comprehensive Cheatsheet, including:

  4. Additional content like social posts, blog posts, and show notes can be generated simultaneously

The Results: Efficiency, Quality, and ROI

With support from Astral's Content Remix feature, Dan Harris and his team launched a new Substack and within the first month grew to 38,000 subscribers. Using Astral they achieved: